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reflective aluminum sheet metal

Gold reflective aluminum sheet metal 98%

The gold reflective aluminum sheet metal 98% is also called super reflective sheet. Generally there are three surface levels for reflective aluminium sheets: regular, high and super surfaces. These are divided based on reflectivity, and the reflectivity of the three levels are respectively 85%, 95% and 98%. Needless to say, 98% stands for the best. A reflective aluminum sheet 98% …

mirror finish anodized aluminum sheet

How to Improve Purity of Oxide Film for Aluminum Mirror Sheets

The purity of oxide film plays a crucial role in deciding quality of aluminum mirror sheets. Some manufacturers supplies reflective aluminum sheet metal pieces as bring as mirrors, while others offer shiny aluminum sheet pieces that are not shiny at all. An impure oxide film makes a piece of mirror finish anodized aluminum sheet look like being covered with a …

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